Chaparon at Phoenix Zoo Today

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I took the day off of work to volunteer to help chaperon my son’s first grade glass at the Phoenix Zoo today. I was all to happy to volunteer and enjoy the opportunity to go with my six year old son on his 2nd field trip so far. I was thinking that it is ironic that spending a day assisting with chaperoning 20+ first graders at the Phoenix Zoo is more relaxing than work, that is how hectic my work has been lately folks.

I am not bringing my camera this time as I am focused on my duties as a volunteer (don’t want to get distracted from watching and herding the kids). Wish me luck!

I did take some pictures from the Phoenix Zoo the last time I visited which was back sometime last March if you want to see pictures from the Phoenix Zoo.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: February 25, 2010 — 6:56 pm