Bought a 3rd Roku XDS Box Instead of Roku 2

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So when I needed a device to stream video from Netflix and other Internet sources like Hulu Plus, Crackle, 1080p Showcase and even my Picasa Web Albums or USB video files I chose a Roku XDS box last December.

Since then I had bought a 2nd Roku box for my kids bedroom so they can stream netflix in their bedroom, this is cheaper than paying for a separate cable or dish installation and receiver and Netflix has a great selection of kids stuff anyway.

When I needed to furnish our little vacation home in CA, I decided to do without cable or satellite TV at all this time, this home will not have anything but Roku and streaming internet.

imageThe thing is with Roku XDS and the various Roku private channels you can watch many live TV broadcasts including news, and even get segments clips from local news stations on Roku.  I can get several Phoenix local stations with the Nowhere TV Channel which offers dozens of channels with media clips from various network programs.

The Roku XDS and Roku 2 XDS are virtually the same price at $99 though the Roku XDS (1st generation) is now $89.99 on  The difference is that the Roku 2 is smaller and also adds gaming and other functionality.  If you look at the reviews however and the purpose of the machine, the system has too little RAM and when the free Angry Birds came is installed on it it can have flaky problems and require resets according to the reviews. Though it has the motion sensing controller and some other neat features.

I personally don’t need my gaming to be included in my Roku, I want a Roku that can do streaming video and would prefer the focus on building and getting contracts with companies to add more channels for live streaming broadcasts.  Roku also needs to work with Google so the YouTube channel can be added officially and the disputes about ads in video be resolved properly.

For streaming Netflix and other media Roku XDS has been a gem of a system, it is small and easy to port around.  The Roku XDS has HDMI, Component and Composite inputs to accommodate any television and includes optical audio out for receivers as well.

I wouldn’t have bought a 3rd Roku XDS if I didn’t think they were great devices.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: September 2, 2011 — 9:57 am