Blogs Moved to New Hosting Provider

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After having another two hour outage on my hosting provider I had enough this weekend, I was paying about $400 per year for a Virtual Private Hosting plan that was giving me between 30 minute and 2 hour outages every week, with rampant CPU usage and constant frustration. Tickets to support often went hours without resolution and there is no such thing as a phone number to call to speak with a live technician for support. As a result I have decided to switch my blogs to the same hosting provider that my wife uses which is Hostmonster.

I helped move my wife’s 3 blogs over to Hostmonster, so I knew the process and was very familiar with it. I also knew that my wife had suffered only 1 small outage in three months in comparison to my fifteen or so outages over the same length of time. I spent MLK day converting two of my three blogs over to Hostmonster and will do probably in a few weeks when I have some time to dedicate, I am hesitant to bring my flagship over as it gets enough traffic I really can’t afford a large hiccup.

The transition was seamless and I enjoy everything about Hostmonster except that you still use FTP to upload files instead of the more secure SFTP or SCP. They should make those standard now, since there are so many free clients that support the secure file transfer protocol, there is no reason to be using the less secure FTP anymore.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: January 18, 2010 — 8:34 pm