Blogging and Social Media Safety Tip

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Blogging and Social Media Safety is a topic that I have seen come up on Twitter several times before and I always find it a little scary when people will broadcast something that may compromise the safety of themselves or their family. One rule of thumb is that when running a blog or social media account that is tied in any way to your real identity you do not want to broadcast that your entire family will be going out of town for a week ahead of time.

It is all too easy for someone to lookup where you live and especially for people who may follow you in the same city and state by looking up your location on Twitter, Foursquare or any other social media service where you may attach your location to. By broadcasting your absence you can potentially open your home up to invasion as people take advantage of those “vacations” to know you won’t be home.

This is a little less risky if you are leaving somebody to tend to your home when traveling and if you do broadcast your trip on your blog you should always mention that someone will be watching or staying at your place while you are gone.

For some cases it is part of your job to broadcast where you are going, such as for a business trip or to an industry trade show…etc. These are more reasons why I think people who have public personalities should consider having alarm systems and security measures in their home. As criminals get more wise to Social Media (besides the affiliate selling spammers) you may find poachers just looking to find out who is away from their house on FourSquare and take advantage of poaching their home while they are away.

Realistic or is this just paranoia, what are your thoughts?

-Justin Germino

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Updated: July 10, 2010 — 3:29 pm