Blog Action Day: Climate Change

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I learned yesterday that Today is Blog Action Day, where bloggers register and blog about causes around the word. This years cause is Climate Change and is meant to bring awareness to the ever growing problem of the shifting climate. We know that industrialized Nations are pumping CFC’s and Ozone damaging wastes into the atmosphere at alarming rates, and we know that mean temperatures around the world have been increasing steadily over the last fifty years.

Like it or not the climate is changing and human society is a factor in that change, it is a good opportunity for everyone to take their part by trying to reduce their energy usage and be a little more green. Less waste and energy usage means less pollution to create and generate that energy and products. Though I don’t forsee any end of the world disasters as a result of the climate change, there will definitely be extinction of many animal and plant species as a result.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: October 15, 2009 — 7:38 am