First Amazon Affiliate Sale Made

This post contains affiliate links.

I got way to excited the other day about selling my very first product as an Amazon affiliate, somebody purchased the Sherlock Holmes DVD from one of my affiliate links and I earned a whopping .48 cents commission on the $12 DVD. This speaks volumes because out of my 3500+ blog posts, I maybe have an Amazon affiliate badge posted in 20 posts, the funny thing is I don’t remember ever having a link to affiliate sell Sherlock Holmes DVD (I didn’t even see the movie yet).

I see that this particular affiliate has 45 clicks with a 2.22% CTR rate according to Amazon Affiliate. What I can’t find is which post the affiliate link or image is hosted on so that I can find out where its coming from and on which of my three blogs. I should have been smart enough to use a separate Amazon affiliate channel for each of my blogs, but forget to switch channels and have my same channel with a few ads on all three of my blogs.

Does any of my readers know how to find out what was the originating source of clicks for Amazon Affiliate sale? Amazon has some analytics, but I just can’t figure out the source and a Google query left me empty.

Meanwhile, I am thinking about trying to use Amazon Affiliate sales more cleverly in some of my more popular posts that show up on Google Searches to test and see if any CTR ratio pans out.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: June 29, 2010 — 10:47 pm