Almost Finished Painting Boat Trailer

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The boat trailer we had purchased back in the summer had its first base coat put on last month and we have been trying to find time to paint the 2nd coat. This trailer will hold a 12′ – 14′ boat which we are hoping to purchase a nice aluminum boat to go fishing next year. Lake fishing is more enjoyable when you can get on a boat and leave the crowded shores to just lazily fish in the center of lakes. There are less jagged rocks and nooks to get your line and hook snagged on while reeling in as well.

We had to purchase some extra truck accessories though as we didn’t have a complete tow package or a trailer light kit, we still need to get the trailer registered and titled and will be working to do that over the Winter. Hopefully by April/May of 2010 we will have the boat and the trailer all ready to go to start our first fishing trip where we own a boat instead of renting one.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: November 5, 2009 — 11:07 am