What To Do With Blogs During Vacations

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I don’t’ like having days where no posts are published on my blogs and I keep a pretty hectic writing schedule.  As I will be on vacation in late June and early July I am going to have to pre-write and queue an extra 20 posts and 10 poems to cover my three blogs so I don’t have any days empty.  This is going to be difficult as I have to write twice as much content over the next few weeks with one article for current posting and one for queued in the future.

My articles I am writing for the summer can’t be based on a trending topic now or they will probably be worthless by the time it publishes so I have to write an article that is capable of being time insensitive, like a how to guide or information about an older item that is still popular so it doesn’t wane in a few months.

This is far easier to write things for my personal blog or poetry blog but harder for me on my technology blog.  I am also probably going to have to temporarily promote one of my site writers to an administrator so they can manage my blog while I am away and approve/respond to comments, review and publish guest articles…etc

This will be the longest leave of absence from my blogs I have ever taken since starting them back in August 2008 so I want to make sure everything continues to flow while I will be away.

It made me wonder how other bloggers plan and prepare for leaving their blogs unattended for say a month or longer.  Do you just disappear from the community?  Ask a friend to run your site while you are gone?  I have seen some bloggers do both.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: April 19, 2011 — 8:00 am