Walmart Lets You Find Free Samples of Products

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The list isn’t extensive but I did enjoy using Walmart Free Samples section on the company website to find out how to get either in-store or mail delivery product samples from a small variety of products in different categories. You can find samples of dog food, lotions, over the counter medications, and Starbucks Coffee at the times that I tried and applied for some free samples.

I think free samples in general are a great way for companies to let people try before they buy, and this is especially true for the food and cosmetics industries where there are so many choices and options, you have no incentive to switch from a brand/product you already use and trust and try something new. The Walmart Free Samples also provides you with free Music Samples which usually involve 1 free MP3 download from a featured artist or band on their website.

Walmart also offers free online tools like Fitness and Diet calculators, Food calorie calculators, Tire Selector and Allergy alert indicator tool. So far the product sample list was very small with only 5 sample products to get via mail at the time I was testing it, we can always use more lotion samples here in Arizona as skin becomes leathery very fast in the dry arid desert.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: June 23, 2010 — 10:02 am