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I tend to believe that people should always present themselves respectfully. It doesn’t matter if its public conversations, social media, blog commenting or anything else. When you publicly are disrespectful it can be damaging to your reputation and character. Unless you are responding to an attack there is no reason not to take the high road and always present yourself clearly, effectively and professionally.
Recently, I have noticed a general uptick in the amount of disrespect or rude conversations on my radar. I see these on Facebook, Twitter and in blog comments. Don’t people realize that current and future employers will eventually do a search on you and your public reputation and behavior can create a negative representation of yourself. Unless it is your shtick you should always be respectful when visiting someones blog. You can disagree and refute someones articles or statements, but do it tactfully and with class. The only one who loses when being tacky is the person being disrespectful even if they were trying to make a valid point or statement.
It doesn’t matter if you converse with people in person, over the phone or via Social Media, be courteous and show respect.
-Justin Germino