Tips for Formatting Blog Posts

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I don’t like calling other bloggers or websites out often to point out something that I think is wrong or can be improved up, but when I followed a tweet to an article on Entrepreneur Heat I was blasted with a 1900+ word article that was all a single massive paragraph.

This is only a snippet of 40% of the article length but the entire article ran on like the above. There was not a single paragraph break, image, bullet list or anything to break up the massive run on of words.

Now, the article itself was to promote 27 Inspiring Young Online Entrepreneurs and I took the time to read the article and thought the information and people it presented were good, but the format on the blog was nearly insufferable.

I show this as an example on what your blog posts should look like, no matter how good your content is there will be eye strain to try and read so many words on a website in this format. A website or blog is not like a novel or book, your eyes suffer more strain looking at a computer screen than a blank white page, and the acronyms, twitter ID’s and other information just serve to make it harder to decipher the information easily.

When writing blog posts you should do the following:

  • Include paragraph spaces, don’t let any single paragraph run on for more than 200 to 400 words maximum. It is okay to have shorter but don’t have too short paragraphs either.
  • Include bullet lists or different font sizes if you are highlighting specific categories, lists or details that should stand out.
  • Insert the occasional graphic if you have a really long article to help break up the monotony of words, even a small 125 – 150 pixel image that words wrap around goes a long way.
  • Write only as much as you need to, there is no need to have run on sentences or start sharing information unrelated to the article. Keep your articles concise and to the point to avoid boring your readers which can make them leave before they finish the article.

These are just some tips that I share with my readers and there are many other tips out there. Who has some of their favorite tips for writing blog articles? Share your tips here in the comments, what works for you?

-Justin Germino

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Updated: July 30, 2010 — 11:50 am