Time to Get the Boy a Phone

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Well with my oldest son turning 11 in October we have decided that the time has come to get him a phone for his birthday.  Even though many of his peers already had phones, we also know many of his peers had lost or broken them and incurred numerous expenses to have them replaced.  He still has some forgetfulness like when he forgot his Kindle Fire HDX at Olive Garden the other day, but I think the phone will help increase his responsibility.

My wife and I still have not completely decided on what model of phone to get him, though we could just get him a cheap phone that can do basic calls and texts, I am leaning toward getting him a full Android phone like the LG G2 which won’t have any cost as I have an upgrade available through Verizon right now.  I certainly am not willing to pay any money for the phone itself, and the extra plan cost for an iPhone 4S even if it is free makes me not inclined to choose that model.

I also didn’t want to get a 5.5 inch phone for him, since he will likely keep it in his backpack and I didn’t want such a bulky phone, whatever phone I get, I need to make sure a strong Otterbox Defender or similar case is available for it to keep the screen and phone well protected from drops, impacts and general mishaps.

I think he would benefit having full access to Android and experimenting with the various apps, he is already very familiar with the similar Kindle Fire OS, and has used full Android on a tablet so think this would be beneficial.  I just hope he doesn’t lose the phone.

Note the LG G3 is a really nice phone, but even with subsidy and upgrade, it was far too expensive to consider.

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Updated: September 12, 2014 — 10:42 pm