Spending a Lot of Time Playing Fallout 4

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Fallout 4 is the Holiday game that both my kids and I wanted and will be consuming most of our free time over the next upcoming weeks.  I had been a Fallout fan since the original with the turn based strategy combat still being my preference.  This is why when I play Fallout 4 I still tend to use VATS and get near turn based strategy with targeting attacks, rather than playing it like an FPS completely.

Just can’t through frag grenades or do some other stuff with VATS.  I found some of the comical critical hits like when blowing someones head off and it becomes a severed head that floats off of the body rather than a head that explodes as seen in the video.

The game is fun, engaging and there is a ton of open world stuff to explore.  Perk up and play!

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Updated: December 16, 2015 — 11:33 am