Solving Puzzles with Portal 2

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Managed to actually get in a good solid hour of play time with Portal 2 on Sunday this past weekend and stuck on a puzzle which involves doing mid air jumps and using a cube to block lasers which cause platforms to lower when the laser cuts off power.

Don’t know how I fare in compared to most Portal players but it is so funny how this game makes you feel like an idiot because you can’t figure something out and then after experimenting and looking at things literally from different point of views you feel like a genius when you finally do figure it out.

[easyazon-image-link asin=”B002I0J9M0″ alt=”Portal 2″ src=”” align=”left” width=”250″]The most unique aspect of Portal 2 of course is the portals and nothing is more unusual than opening a portal in the floor that you have to jump into while a 2nd portal is on a wall and you kind of fall sideways to land on distant surfaces.

There are ways to create infinite loops where you can see your character repeated to simulated infinity which is also always fun as well.

The game is extremely interesting but unfortunately my two kids don’t really have the patience to play it or even watch me play it for long periods of time as they bore long before I can even figure out how to solve some of the puzzles sometimes.

Later this week will probably be getting the Might & Magic Heroes VI via pre-order so I can play with the Beta before it releases in a few weeks.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: September 25, 2011 — 10:27 pm