Returning From CA World Las Vegas 2008

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After going with some friends and coworkers to NY NY Hotel and having some drinks and playing video poker, we arrived back at The Venetian via taxi just before one in the morning. Only to have my alarm abruptly wake me up at six AM to get my suitcases loaded and dragged to the airport. My wife and I arrived at the airport in plenty of time to make our 8:20am flight and had a little debacle at Starbucks. The first issue is they only serve cold bagels, and have no toaster in the Las Vegas airport Starbucks and the other issue is that my wife ordered a coffee and three times and three attempts there were tons of coffee grounds floating in the coffee which made it non potable.

I spoke to the manager and had our bill refunded and we wound up getting the bagel and coffee at another station. My stomach was feeling a bit sick from the food and drink last night, so I tried to take it easy and just relax and rest on the plane. It is a very short flight being barely an hour from Las Vegas to Phoenix, so I barely had time to boot up my laptop and write up this blog post.

Overall the trip was very good this year, the show could have had more attendance but economic times are tough and companies can’t spend the travel money that they could in previous shows. My own presentation went much better than expected and I am proud that I have done it and come off so strong and represented my company and my own expertise well.

Couldn’t have asked for a more successful CA World this year.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: November 20, 2008 — 6:16 pm