Livefyre Made Me a Hypocrite

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It’s true, I love Livefyre and in fact have converted all three of my major blogs to using the Livefyre commenting system.  I also however was HUGE proponent of DoFollow commenting for blogs and this was one of the best features of CommentLuv.

I promoted Livefyre as a Dofollow commenting system previously and it used to be.  I also said to my readers over 3 years I would always remain a DoFollow blog.

Livefyre changed to make commenter URL NoFollow recently and this now conflicts with my support of the DoFollow blogs.  It also means Disqus which offer DoFollow blog would could be considered the preferred external commenting system if you would want to be DoFollow.

I love the conversation tracking of CommentLuv and the new Guest Commenting feature, but I think it should be a blog owner’s decision to leave comment URL’s dofollow or nofollow or default to using DoFollow.

If you support my opinion that Livefyre should allow DoFollow for URL backlinks of commenters, then go to the GetSatisfaction ticket here and add your feedback.  Tell them you want Livefyre to allow the blog owner to choose DoFollow or NoFollow for themselves and help convince them this should be a higher priority item.

Click to Add To Livefyre Dofollow Conversation

In the meantime, temporarily my blogs are not going to be DoFollow until Livefyre allows it, I do want my blogs to be DoFollow but am not going to dump the Livefyre which I am still getting established with.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: November 21, 2011 — 2:57 pm