Laptop On Ubuntu Hardy Heron

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Back in last May when I bought my wife a new laptop for Mother’s Day, it barely functioned with Windows Vista preloaded. The laptop only had 1gb of RAM and Vista was so sluggish that my wife agreed to try Ubuntu Hardy Heron as an alternative. She learned the new operating system, adapted to Open Office from MS Office and uses Thunderbird and Firefox as her primary browsers. I had most of her programs working with WINE or found the Open Source equivalents on Ubuntu.

But recent problems with visiting certain web sites and the lack of ability to play certain flash and active X stuff is having us consider re-imaging the laptop back to Windows Vista. If I do this I am going to have to purchase more notebook memory at least another gig of ram should suffice.

In the meantime I can’t figure out why she can’t hit from Ubuntu Firefox, it just locks up loading, it works fine on my Windows Firefox, IE and Chrome. I think it is some sort of servlet or something that just wont render right. I know it is flash based, so maybe I am missing a flash plugin or something. I will troubleshoot and if I can fix it, maybe we won’t have to re-image the laptop after all.

-Justin Germino

  • Update 12/30/2008

I fixed the flash problem with Firefox 3.x on Ubuntu Hardy Heron, I had to redownload and update the libflash-mozplugin from the Ubuntu archives which resolved my issue.

These instructions worked for me:

  1. sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin
  2. restart firefox
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Updated: December 30, 2008 — 7:32 am