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So last week my son brought home a less than stellar progress report and some of his grades have slipped. Computer and console games were revoked unless his grades can be brought back up in time for Report Cards in a few weeks as a result. In addition to losing the ability to play games, he also lost the ability to watch me play games which was an activity we did together at night and weekends to unwind. It is now that I realize just how much I gamed while my kids were watching me because now I find that I can’t play games unless I play while they are sleeping (which means I stay up late and lose sleep) or I have to game when they are not around (which is almost never).
So really I kind of feel I wound up getting grounded and now I am telling my son he had better pull his grades up so I can start playing games in front of him again. My son is a very smart kid, but he is very prone to distraction and thinking about "other things" when he isn’t interested or bored. Even though none of his grades are below a B we hold our kids up to pretty high standards because we know he could put more effort in.
He has two weeks to buckle down and pull his grades up, I have been helping him with Roman Numerals which was one of his weak areas and he continues to work on his grammar. He does however have terrible handwriting and I don’t know really how much I can preach here as I myself have among the worst penmanship.
Until then, less gaming time for me until he can pull his grades up. But I think this punishment was really a backfire and caused me more grief than him.0
-Justin Germino