Forks Over Knives

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Saw the movie Forks over Knives last night, well the 2nd part of it and I don’t know but maybe that combined with seeing Bicentennial Man in the same day made me really start to analyze and finally come to a decision that I need to eat better.  I wouldn’t say that I eat unhealthily but I do still have dairy (even though I am intolerant), meat and junk food in my diet.

Heart disease does scare me a little bit however, and both of my grandfathers have had either quadruple bypass surgeries and some form of heart disease.  My cholesterol levels are on the higher end of normal right now, and I need to make sure I am alive and healthy enough for my kids as long as I can be.

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The primary things for me are to finally cut out cheese and dairy and further reduce meat intake while increasing non-processed foods as replacement.  My wife plans on getting me a Nutri-Bullet for my birthday next month and I haven’t had a juicer since my one broke years back.  This is supposed to be better than a juicer as it simply processes everything without extracting the juice from the vegetables and leaving all the roughage/fiber as throwaway.  I hope it works as well as it looks, it has mixed reviews like any product so I will be testing for myself.

Meanwhile, if you haven’t seen Forks over Knives yet, it is a very interesting movie and ironically I wasn’t as concerned over kids drinking milk as much as I am after seeing this documentary.  Of course I saw Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and the commonality of all themes is to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, reduce processed foods, fast foods and meat consumption and many health issues can be improved or reversed.

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Updated: August 12, 2013 — 6:46 am