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Finally after about 8 months of not being updated I updated the Make Money Online page on last night to include updated reviews of many programs to help people make money online as well as remove ones that had closed down or went dormant. Included were newer programs that I joined like The Blog Frog, Link Vehicle and Staree which weren’t listed before.
The article is now over 5,000+ words and I am wondering if I should turn it into an eBook at some point that I give away as an incentive to join my mailing list or maybe sell for $2.99 with a fully flushed out updated one? Practically enough material to turn into a sellable e-book if I elaborate more on it actually.
Anyway, Minecraft consuming all my free time when not working my day job thanks to the kids and just haven’t felt well enough most nights to stay up and due the blogging time so hours are a bit lower. I still yearn to create more video tutorials and content for the YouTube channel just don’t have the time window to do so efficiently.
-Justin Germino