Feeling Physically Lousy Today

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Woke up feeling just generally blah, but in the last hour have developed severe stomach pains and I have a migraines so bad that my vision is blurring staring at the screen. I have sixteen meetings at work today, so can’t really take a sick day and am going to trudge through. Times like this make me very glad I work from home as often as I do.

I suspect that my stomach problems are related to my eating lunch yesterday, I happened to have some spicy buffalo chicken crisper’s at Chili’s and my stomach can’t take spicy food anymore, when I was a teenager or in my early twenties, I can eat spicy without any problems, but now no matter what stomach acid reducers I take (none of them work) I just can’t eat spicy food anymore, it leaves me in stomach pains and agony for hours after and the next day.

You would think I would learn my lesson and eat healthier, but I am a glutton for punishment as they say, though I did have a healthy stir fry dinner my wife made up last night with just beef strips, broccoli, carrots, celery, bell pepper over white rice. But today I pay for eating a very delicious but ultimately painful lunch at Chili’s.

I really have to stop dining out so much, it is one of those bad habits that I do far to often. I mean seriously, I waste so much money on dining out its ridiculous. It’s a bad habit I have to break.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: May 13, 2009 — 9:02 am