Feeling A Little Under The Weather

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Today I woke up feeling quesy and I hope I am not coming down with the stomach bug at all, I am supposed to be going out tonight to see Vayden at a bar called The Sets, and some friends from work will be there as well.  But the way my stomach feels, I could be coming down sick.

I ate some cream of wheat to help something bland settle my stomach, and my wife is preparing Thanksgiving food downstairs I sampled some deviled eggs and now my stomach is really unsettled.  I know there is a stomach flu going around that affected my coworkers and my in-laws.  I hope I am not the latest victim in this sweeping plague of illness, I do not want to be sick with a stomach bug on Thanksgiving unable to enjoy any of the wonderful food.

I hope everyone is taking it light today and is looking foward to Thanksgiving.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: November 26, 2008 — 9:38 am