I Failed the Insanity Fitness Test

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I didn’t consider myself to be that out of shape until I tried the Insanity Workout Fitness test last week only to find I was completely wiped out pouring sweat, about to pass out from lack of breath only 21 minutes into what is merely the fitness test to see how fit you are.

If you look at the average gym membership cost of $19 per month (I pay $36 per month for my LA Fitness membership) then this program pays for itself in less than a year.  Plus some people don’t like working out publicly and around other people, so if you are one who prefers to work out in private and in your own home this system can really benefit you.

Nothing will work if you don’t commit to a routine and stick with it however, you will need to prepare yourself for some REAL sore muscles and pain the first few days after working out.

[easyazon-image-link asin=”B002QZ1RS6″ alt=”INSANITY: 60-Day Total Body Conditioning Workout DVD Program” src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61YMZgApVuL.jpg” align=”center” width=”500″ height=”500″]

I do have a gym membership and a few times per week was doing 20-30 minutes on the treadmill at a 15 incline with 3.5 – 4.5 speed variants, rowing machines and various weights.  But none of this prepared me for the cardio workout of Insanity Fitness and I realized I don’t have nearly as much stamina as I would like.

I was sore as can be for 2 days after, particularly in my thighs and buttocks most of all.  The Insanity Workout isn’t for people who have weak knees or joints, as it has you do a lot of squatting, jumping and exercises that have you bending and stretching your legs which can put serious strain on your knees.  The good news is I had belly button hernia surgery just 8 weeks ago or so and I was able to do all of the stomach crunches and core exercises without feeling any pain or discomfort at the site of my surgery.

I was out of town and didn’t get a chance to dig into the fitness routine as you are expected to, 6 days per week you need to commit and the exercises vary based on the day.  The Insanity Workout also comes with a full meal planner, calendar printout and other information.

Just based on my initial trial there is no way this workout couldn’t improve your endurance and fitness levels if you stuck with it.  This workout was more intense than any other fitness video’s I have done which include Tai Bo and others in the past.

If you are looking for something intense to improve your fitness level, tone and lose weight you know it takes moderating your food intake and exercise but Insanity Workout will have both covered if you can commit to the exercise and at least partially to the meal plan.

How many of you have tried Insanity Workout and compared it to the P90X System?

-Justin Germino

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Updated: June 21, 2012 — 12:42 pm