Bold New Move with Pixar’s Brave

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If you aren’t aware by now, Pixar is releasing a new film called “Brave” which hits theaters this summer.  Unlike traditional Pixar films with the exception of Up this one is based around humans and is follows the story of a princess Merida who is tired of traditions and stands up for what she believes in.

This Scottish tale looks dazzling and has many of the elements that make hero films, the fact that this film portrays a heroine rather than your typical “shy guy come hero” is welcome.  The elements of the film however don’t appear to be specifically portrayed to the same audience mark as say Cars 2 or Monsters Inc, but I will certainly be there on opening weekend.

Watch one of the latest trailers and share your voices:

-Justin Germino

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Updated: February 27, 2012 — 7:49 am