Lightning USB Cables at Great Prices

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Anker is one of my favorite brands for external battery packs and other mobile accessories, their Astro 3 2nd Generation is one of the best portable power banks you can buy.  So when I saw that they now offer Apple certified Lightning cables at a better price than even the Amazon Lightning cables I was thrilled.


I never have enough lighting cables, and now I have all these old iPad charging cables and don’t feel like buying an adapter that is more expensive than just buying new cables.  The Anker Lighting Cable costs just $12.99 on Amazon right now.  Which is nearly $5 cheaper per cable than the Apple ones and a little cheaper than the Amazon ones directly.  They also have a smaller plug on the iPhone 5S/iPad Air side, so unlike the Amazon ones which have a thicker head which may not fit through some case holes for your Lightning Charging port, this one will fit any hole that the standard iOS lightning charger would fit.

If you need another Lightning USB Charging Cable then the Anker Lighting USB charging cable is a sure thing and saves you a few bucks compared to buying the more expensive Apple one and the smaller head around the lightning plug makes it more versatile than the AmazonBasics one which I do own and have had trouble plugging them in through some iPhone 5S cases before.

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Updated: August 1, 2014 — 11:48 am